For information on IPOS membership dues, please see the Membership Classifications page. IPOS Membership is based on a calendar year — membership is only valid from the time of application through 31 December of the same year. Renewal invoices are distributed at the end of each calendar year for the next year’s dues. Membership fees are NOT pro-rated. Membership is with the individual and is not transferable.
IPOS also accepts donations. This financial support enables the Society to expand on its programs, create new services and continue its important work to advance psychosocial oncology, and improve the quality of care that cancer patients receive. You can make a donation on your application/renewal form or at a later time online.
If any applicant for membership to the International Psycho-Oncology Society (IPOS) requests a refund for his/her membership fees, such a request must be made in writing to IPOS Headquarters via surface mail, fax or email to:
International Psycho-Oncology Society
189 Queen Street East, Suite 1
Toronto ON M5A 1S2 Canada
Telephone: +1.416-979-2046
Refund requests will be filled as follows: