Recorded on Friday, September 29, 2023.
90-minutes in length.
The creation of legacies is an essential aspect of coping and meaning-making. Our upcoming webinar will discuss legacy-making across the lifespan. Ranging from creative perspectives via art, music, and writing to hearing personal stories from family members with lived experiences, we will learn about the process, importance and integration of legacy-making. Please join us and our wonderful speakers to learn about legacy-making through a multicultural and global perspective.
Moderated by a member of the IPOS Palliative Care Committee
Danielle Miller, MS (she/her) is a Counseling Psychology PhD Candidate at Ball State University (USA), specializing in Health Psychology. Her clinical and research interests are focused on psycho-oncology, quality of life, psychosocial outcomes after bariatric and transplant surgery, and health equity. Danielle's dissertation investigates the relationship between perceived physician empathy and health-related quality of life among young adults with cancer. Danielle
is thrilled to have found a niche for herself in health psychology, broadly, and looks forward to a career as a leader, clinician, and educator in an academic hospital. She is completing her predoctoral training as a Behavioral Medicine fellow at Yale School of Medicine!
Moderated by the co-chair of the IPOS Pediatric Committee
Dr. Lori Wiener is co-director of the Behavioral Science Core and Head of the Psychosocial Support and Research Program at the pediatric oncology branch of the National Cancer Institute. As both a clinician and behavioral scientist, Dr. Wiener has developed a robust clinical and research program that has focused on critical clinical issues such as parental coping, lone parenting, transnational parenting, sibling and sibling donor experiences, graph versus host disease, and end-of-life planning. Dr. Wiener has also dedicated a substantial part of her career to applying knowledge from her clinical experience and psychosocial studies to create innovative resources such as books, workbooks, therapeutic games and an advance care planning guide for children, adolescents, and young adults. Each of these resources are distributed worldwide and widely utilized in pediatric centers.
Q&A Facilitator

Wendy Lichtenthal, PhD
Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Director of the Bereavement Clinic
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

Dr. Victoria Sardi-Brown is a licensed mental health counselor, President, and Co-Founder of the Mattie Miracle Cancer Foundation ( The Foundation was created in loving memory of her only child, Mattie, who died in 2009 from bone cancer. Dr. Sardi-Brown always says that Mattie was her greatest teacher in life, as he showed her that childhood cancer is NOT just about the medicine. Mattie Miracle is the only national non-profit dedicated to psychosocial awareness, advocacy, support, and research of childhood cancer. Mattie Miracle’s Vision is that all children and families have access to optimal psychosocial care from the time of diagnosis, through survivorship or end-of-life and bereavement care.

Dr. Isabel María Centeno Sánchez is a clinical psychologist who holds a master's degree in education, as well as a specialization in Psycho-oncology. She is certified by the Escuela Andaluza de Salud Pública for Psychosocial attention for advanced diseases and trained in the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center for Geriatric Oncology Cognition & communication Program. She works as psycho-oncologist at the Cancer Center, Hospital Zambrano Hellion - Tec Salud in Monterrey, México. Dr. Sánchez is the founder of Travesías de Tinta, which provides mental health and wellbeing support services through a variety of creative and writing tools for cancer patients and palliative care. Last year she published her second anthology: “Trayectos y otras Travesías” and her new book: “Expression and legacy writing in cancer” will be published in 2024.

Francisco Sanchez Diaz Lozano is a Sr Packaging Engineer working at Nestle USA in a global research position, who holds a master’s degree in Food Engineer from Cornell University. He works currently at the R&D Center for Nestle Nutrition for the babyfood category (GERBER); being responsible for all the packaging developments of babyfood in glass. He is originally from Puebla Mexico, and he is currently living in Michigan USA. He is the husband of Veronica Mascarua Galindo, who before she passed away, she decided to write a book “Morir no significa Perder”, she wanted to share in her book, her new ways of thinking, of leaving, of enjoying life during her process against cancer.
Dr. Christian Ntizimira is the author of “The Safari Concept: An African Framework on End-of-Life Care” and Founder/Executive Director of the African Center for Research on End-of-Life Care (ACREOL), a non-profit organization to bring socio-cultural equality through “Ubuntu in End-of-life Care” in Africa. He is a Fulbright Alumni and graduated from Harvard Medical School, Department of Global Health and Social Medicine. Dr. Ntizimira is also an alumnus of the Kofi Annan Global Health Leadership programme, which aims to bring selected Africans to strategize, manage and lead public health programs that will transform public health in Africa. Dr. Ntizimira is the winner of the prestigious Tällberg-Stervos Niarcos Foundation-Eliasson Global Leadership Prize 2021, for his passionate advocacy for palliative care in Rwanda and elsewhere in Africa, based on his deeply held belief that dignified end-of-life care is a human right.

Mariagracia Rivas Berger, MMT, LPMT, MT-BC, also known as MG, was born and raised in Lima, Peru and migrated to the United States at age 11. She received her undergraduate degree in Vocal Performance and her graduate degrees in Music Therapy from Shenandoah University. For the past six years, Mariagracia has worked in the Center for Cancer & Blood Disorders at Children’s National in Washington, DC, where she served as a clinician, Internship Director, and supervisor. In 2022, Mariagracia co-founded AMUSIPE, the Peruvian Music Therapy Association to promote, educate, an advocate for the field of music therapy in Peru and contribute through music therapy to the varying populations in the country. Mariagracia is currently working at Inova L. J. Murphy Children’s Hospital covering all pediatric inpatient units outside of NICU, in partnership with non-profit “A Place To be.”
Jane Woo, LPC, ATR-BC is an oncology clinical therapist and board-certified art therapist at Inova Life with Cancer. She has worked in medical art therapy for 9 years, specializing in supporting anyone impacted by cancer, extended hospitalizations, legacy art making, and grief/loss. Prior to joining Life with Cancer, Jane worked for Children’s National Hospital in Washington, D.C., where she provided support to patients and caregivers on the hematology/oncology/bone marrow transplant unit. She previously served as President of the Potomac Art Therapy Association, and she has been recognized by the Tracy’s Kids Board and Children’s National Hospital for excellence in leadership and art therapy.
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